Baloise relies on outsourcing
HomeNewsSumex II invoice auditing solution at Baloise Versicherung AG

Sumex II invoice auditing solution at Baloise Versicherung AG

Baloise relies on outsourcing with Centris and introduces the automated invoice verification system Sumex

The IT service provider Centris is introducing the Sumex II invoice auditing solution in the outsourcing model at Baloise Versicherung AG as planned. This is the fifth successful project completion following the introduction of the Sumex solution at Generali Switzerland and Unfallversicherung Stadt Zürich (UVZ) 2022 as well as at the Zurich-based Branches Versicherung Genossenschaft and the Aargauische Gebäudeversicherung 2021. With Sumex II, insurers can handle their entire benefit verification process automatically.

Centris, the IT service provider specialising in health and accident insurers, successfully commissioned the Sumex II invoice verification solution for Baloise Versicherung AG at the end of November 2022. By outsourcing to Centris' invoice verification service,Baloise can now focus fully on its core business. Supported by a preliminary project in 2021, in which the functional and technical specifications were developed, the implementation of Sumex II for Baloise began in March 2022. Thanks to close cooperation and agile project methodology, the insurer's requirements were quickly adapted to the technological foundations of Centris and implemented.


Weekly consultations ensured that Baloise's needs were optimally integrated into the application. Baloise also relies on the Sumex extension DRG Box, which significantly reduces the verification effort for inpatient invoices and increases data quality.


Baloise has been using Sumex for over 20 years. As part of the implementation of its cloud strategy, the insurer has now decided to migrate the application to a public cloud or vendor cloud. This is often an option for standard software - in contrast to in-house developments, which Baloise operates in its private cloud.

Centris' platform will enable us to run a leaner operation and we will benefit from new features in a timely manner because we will be able to draw on Centris' expertise in further development.

Patrick Kaufmann

Product Owner Accident/Health at Baloise in Switzerland

This outsourcing is a logical step for Baloise, as Centris already supplied them with the tariffs in the past. The direct and uncomplicated connection to each other contributed decisively to the successful implementation.

The response time was fast, solutions were found quickly and problems were addressed openly and transparently. I am convinced that the cooperation in the company will continue to be successful.

Patrick Kaufmann

Product Owner Accident/Health at Baloise in Switzerland

Centris has been operating Sumex for around two decades as part of its Swiss Health Cloud (SHC) industry solution. The software itself comes from Sumex AG, a subsidiary of ELCA Informatic, and is developed in direct cooperation with Swiss health and accident insurers. The modular structure and modern technologies allow for pronounced customisation, efficient dark processing and optimal support for process automation. In addition to the high maturity of the solution, insurers benefit in particular from uncomplicated integration into existing core systems, versatile customisation options and strict data protection.